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25 Comments - you say something?

  • 25 January 20123:13 am Rex0pas

    @getduloh RIP Your Mom

  • 25 January 20124:00 am getduloh

    RIP Boyle Drunson

  • 25 January 20124:40 am ricabel321

    @rfuglesang but he said “ALL MATH” which is just ignorant. Yes it is a mind game to an extent. But if I played the best pool player 100 games of 8 ball I would expect to win a few games as there is a small element of luck involved. But I couldn’t win 1 of 100 against the world Champ in Chess ( no luck involved). In poker assuming the money is no problem… I would expect to win possibly 40 out of 100 (on a bad day, heads-up) as the luck of the draw plays a large role in the out come

  • 25 January 20124:51 am rfuglesang

    @ricabel321 Well he has a point math is a factor, but i mean its not ALL MATH. I personally believe psychology is a huge factor.

  • 25 January 20125:46 am ricabel321

    @k3nny111 Huh? EVERY player has streaks of good and bad luck at times. Or have you not played enough to notice that? And … ALL MATH ??? Guess you wouldn’t have a chance aghainst a computer then.! Now… “Dont talk big about a topic you never really dealt with”. LMFAO!

  • 25 January 20126:30 am k3nny111

    For that matter, there is noch such thing as a “lucky” player. There are lucky situations, but no player is generally lucky. Its all about math.

  • 25 January 20126:55 am k3nny111

    You just dont know the first thing about poker. Luck has no meaning at the end of the year. The good player wins, the bad one loses. Dont talk big about a topic you never really dealt with.

  • 25 January 20127:48 am ricabel321

    @MrOlliguitar Fair enough MrO. I respect your opinion. I just don’t like the guys who seem to worship at the feet of these so called poker greats. To me they will always be lucky and way over rated.

  • 25 January 20128:46 am MrOlliguitar

    @ricabel321 i see your point but to me poker is like sports betting then. we just have a different point of view on this. i make profit with poker, not much though but a bit. if i’d let luck decide i would lose definitely.

  • 25 January 20129:42 am ricabel321

    @MrOlliguitar In a casino game. BJ, Slots or Craps for example. You are playing a game with the odds “SET IN STONE” against you. They are games of “Expected Losses”. Not true gambling but rather “Playing” as opposed to gambling. In theory when you GAMBLE you have at least a chance to make the correct bet and even win over the long run. Not so in any Casino game. The true “Gambler” will win at something like sports betting as opposed to relying on the luck of the draw as in poker.

  • 25 January 201210:12 am MrOlliguitar

    @ricabel321 yea but poker has little to do with gambling. except for heads up maybe… that’s pretty much 90% gambling.

  • 25 January 201210:24 am ricabel321

    @MrOlliguitar Sorry have to disagree. There is something all gamblers know. That is that “Streaks” happen. Good and bad. We can argue this ad nauseam. But in an elimination tournament somebody HAS to eventually win. Being in the “lucky chair” has as much to do with winning as any other factor. And in my opinion it is the most important factor.

  • 25 January 201210:29 am MrOlliguitar

    @ricabel321 maybe 1 hand is decided by luck… but not a tournament.

  • 25 January 201211:09 am ricabel321

    @k3nny111 “Dedicated his whole life to this game” !!! A game of fucking luck? Dedicated? If thats true then he’s an asshole. He “GUESSED” wrong…It is a guessing game. Get it? Good !!!

  • 25 January 201211:26 am trixapete


    exactly. and before the flop he said you might have jacks. he says whatever makes him look best.

  • 25 January 201212:19 pm GixxerEdis

    dude Phil is such a kid holy fuck. its poker!!!

  • 25 January 201212:22 pm thebsharps1

    First let me just say that Phil, Daniel or any one of those guys at the table could take all my chips in about 3 hands. I suck at poker. But I like watching watching Phil getting his ass handed to him. And I love watching him pout like a tired 3 year old afterwards.

  • 25 January 201212:31 pm k3nny111

    I say so much: enter WSOP and go up to the bubble. Then we can talk about questioning the performance of Phil Helmuth. He had his reasons to play that hand this way and he knows Daniel very well. That guy is freaking giant. He has dedicated his whole life to this game.
    But ok, lets trashtalk a bit: Daniel declared the raise before the flop came up, and he is known to be capable to do this with squad, especially to mess with Phil.

  • 25 January 201212:33 pm directorbeau


    yea but phils kicker was garbage and with the ace on the board he should know that daniel isnt much of a bluffer if he had a pair of kings or something like that

  • 25 January 20121:09 pm k3nny111

    Helmuth is a stonecold pro; he has like 20 bracelets.. But of course random youtube guys are always better. 😉 You know, poker is much more difficult if you dont see the cards everyone has. Should check it out sometime.

  • 25 January 20121:29 pm MrCameltoeKiller

    @Beefcakes155 No, phucking.

  • 25 January 20122:04 pm Beefcakes155

    @MrCameltoeKiller fucking*

  • 25 January 20122:43 pm guibox3

    Daniel’s the man! And a Canadian! : )

  • 25 January 20123:37 pm JNovak92

    If you start questioning the poker skills of Daniel Negreanu, you have to start wondering whether you actually deserve those eleven bracelets, Phil!

  • 25 January 20123:40 pm YoeyMomonari

    hellmuth: I knew he was fcking weak before the flop

    during the hand: I think you have queens daniel ! lol ?

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