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The pronunciation of “oGs.NaDa” in spanish is something like “don’t hear anything “.
4 February 2012
3:15 amBLANEmanBLANE
Why is Nada’s macro slipping so hard? Look at most times of the game (try 8:55 onward), 700 min, 400 gas.
4 February 2012
4:05 amTheClaybones
@khanhogamir 40 per trip as opposed 30 for regular mins
4 February 2012
4:30 amgoalerath
I think husky is one of the most enjoyable casters and if you think otherwise go fuck yourself
4 February 2012
5:26 amArthurB1804
I don’t know about you guys…. but the pic of tyler in the intro is just scrase the shit out of me….
4 February 2012
6:11 amnetfischer
naaa, pls dont hire husky to cast such awesome games : / I am okey with any combination of day9 chill and wheat, but husky is annoying as fu… and doesnt have the background knowledge nor the game sense of a pro levell player
4 February 2012
7:09 amkhanhogamir
Mules dont mine faster on gold, i Think
4 February 2012
7:21 amyamahatyros2
Go Kas!
4 February 2012
8:03 am2012omgomgomg
That intro is pretty sick.
4 February 2012
8:58 amNIMHFS
way to look like a douche.
4 February 2012
9:57 amxiAresx
it is pronounced Kaas not Kas
4 February 2012
10:41 amfrozenfisherman
omg @ Tyler’s face
4 February 2012
11:27 amDankDarko
Lol Xel’naga tavern
4 February 2012
11:54 amMrWonderful220
kas is such a baller
4 February 2012
12:26 pmZyklowa
@Oreoclan nope tlo wasnt in korea at that time
also jinro mc huk all said it isnt such a gamechangeing delay from korea
really ppl just take credit away from a sick player who is practising like 50 games a day
against someone who was good at another game who just isnt practising as much as he used to
kas is sick ppl
and this is not the last tourney he is gonna own
btw his tvp is his strongest so he got definately a spot in the finals trust me
4 February 2012
1:00 pmOreoclan
@Tyfyh NaDa is playing in Korea, which gives him a small delay (hearing of BoxeR’s 2 second delay doesn’t sound small though). I think when TLO and NaDa played (not 100% sure) they were both in Korea, meaning 0 delay since they both played on the Korean server, which is why NaDa played perfectly with his micro while these past 2 games his micro and reaction time was nonexistent. Jinro made a post about it and says it isn’t as bad as it looks, but for someone as clutch as NaDa, it could be.
4 February 2012
1:29 pmKaizokuSencho
“Xel’nEga”, “Abuut” … wtf?
4 February 2012
2:26 pmchemykl
@Tyfyh believe it lol. Kas is the number one foreign Terran at this moment.
4 February 2012
3:07 pmmcmackan1990
@JokiGyla Xel’naga; towers that give you vision of a large area if you have a unit close to it.
4 February 2012
3:36 pmJokiGyla
whats a xel nega
4 February 2012
4:06 pma3ka3ax
@AoyosHolY so whats your point?
4 February 2012
4:31 pmerbemitderkerbe
@Tyfyh because thats no logical reasoning
4 February 2012
4:41 pmAoyosHolY
nada supply-blocking himself and getting outmacroed by “kas” in every single match like np?Any bw player knows how legit this match was :).
The pronunciation of “oGs.NaDa” in spanish is something like “don’t hear anything “.
Why is Nada’s macro slipping so hard? Look at most times of the game (try 8:55 onward), 700 min, 400 gas.
@khanhogamir 40 per trip as opposed 30 for regular mins
I think husky is one of the most enjoyable casters and if you think otherwise go fuck yourself
I don’t know about you guys…. but the pic of tyler in the intro is just scrase the shit out of me….
naaa, pls dont hire husky to cast such awesome games : / I am okey with any combination of day9 chill and wheat, but husky is annoying as fu… and doesnt have the background knowledge nor the game sense of a pro levell player
Mules dont mine faster on gold, i Think
Go Kas!
That intro is pretty sick.
way to look like a douche.
it is pronounced Kaas not Kas
omg @ Tyler’s face
Lol Xel’naga tavern
kas is such a baller
@Oreoclan nope tlo wasnt in korea at that time
also jinro mc huk all said it isnt such a gamechangeing delay from korea
really ppl just take credit away from a sick player who is practising like 50 games a day
against someone who was good at another game who just isnt practising as much as he used to
kas is sick ppl
and this is not the last tourney he is gonna own
btw his tvp is his strongest so he got definately a spot in the finals trust me
@Tyfyh NaDa is playing in Korea, which gives him a small delay (hearing of BoxeR’s 2 second delay doesn’t sound small though). I think when TLO and NaDa played (not 100% sure) they were both in Korea, meaning 0 delay since they both played on the Korean server, which is why NaDa played perfectly with his micro while these past 2 games his micro and reaction time was nonexistent. Jinro made a post about it and says it isn’t as bad as it looks, but for someone as clutch as NaDa, it could be.
“Xel’nEga”, “Abuut” … wtf?
@Tyfyh believe it lol. Kas is the number one foreign Terran at this moment.
@JokiGyla Xel’naga; towers that give you vision of a large area if you have a unit close to it.
whats a xel nega
@AoyosHolY so whats your point?
@Tyfyh because thats no logical reasoning
nada supply-blocking himself and getting outmacroed by “kas” in every single match like np?Any bw player knows how legit this match was :).
Xel-Naga Caverns for Kas