It’s the last episode of the season, and the table is hot as players want to get into the action right and left. Daniel Negreanu is ready to turn his luck around, but will the cards be kind? In this season finale, Gabe Kaplan and AJ Benza give a quick recap of the entire season too, highlights, big pots, and bigger bluffs…so stick around for the short retrospective at the tail end of this episode.

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25 Comments - you say something?

  • 6 February 20121:20 am gigglesinside

    love how gabe makes fun of david grey

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  • 6 February 20123:57 am kunz68

    barry greinstein is a good player just because he doesnt gamble it up like the other guys, dont mean he aint good. Ya he aint that creative and probably is not good for tv, but hes there to win money and he plays it the best way he knows how. If that means folding till hes sees aces or kings then he would do it. Given the current game dynamics it sounded like a good play to me.

  • 6 February 20124:08 am adham4ever12

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  • 6 February 20124:59 am fliptthescript

    ya was a terrible call and reason why daniel a losing player. but since greenstein was short stacked he could push with a wider range to steal the blinds. But ya bad call. Daniel a donkey. Refuses to fold and players taking advantage of it. People can say oh hes unlucky he just seems unlucky but truth is hes calling way to much and a good player would of folded more then half the hands hes called with.

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  • 6 February 20125:58 am fundyspokerblog

    @szabo060990 Yeah, you have to hate those millionaire douche players that play smart, efficient poker. When you have guys like Daniel who is losing and playing every hand, Eli is playing every hand, and earlier Gus Hansen at the table, plus he’s shortstacked, don’t you think playing tight is the correct strategy? I’ll give you a hint…yes it is

  • 6 February 20126:47 am adham4ever12

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  • 6 February 20126:48 am adham4ever12

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  • 6 February 20127:29 am VicenzoV

    @jesmizzou Agreed… if there’s any player who criticises other players’ games it’s Negreanu, but when Laak said he made a bad call he immediately gets all worked up about it. That’s a sign of hypocrisy right there..

  • 6 February 20128:15 am Vengeance31

    Season II (Meh) those props were a distraction.

  • 6 February 20128:48 am szabo060990

    @WillMillion15 oh yes he is… but hes a tight fuck..

  • 6 February 20129:33 am WillMillion15

    @szabo060990 lol barry is a great player.

  • 6 February 201210:30 am 999Vanille

    Durrrr tries a big river bluff at the wrong time. $86K pot. Durrrr is bluffing because he built all his money on a free 50 $ starting capital he got from Pokerfrik website so he not really worried about bluffing.

  • 6 February 201211:14 am szabo060990

    Barry greenstein. is a tight mother fucker.. i seriously dont wana see this guy on high stakes poker..  all in with aces… folds ace king… fucking doosh

  • 6 February 201211:41 am adham4ever12

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