The new season of Breaking Bad, the platformer video game Ms Splosion Man, and the iOS title Sword and Poker are all on our Radar. Alex, Dan, and Jeff share what has been monopolizing their free time lately, including the premiere of the new season of AMC’s hit drama, Breaking Bad, the new downloadable arcade game and sequel to one of the TRS top games of the year, Ms Spolsion Man, and an addictive iOS game, Sword and Poker. Check out On My Radar!

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25 Comments - you say something?

  • 8 January 201212:20 pm whothq18

    bb for life

  • 8 January 201212:57 pm BlaqueF0X

    I’m just nitpicking but this is like the hundredth time I’ve heard someone say that Ms. Splosion Man was part of summer of arcade. Just goes to show that it should have been officially included in that marketing scheme.

  • 8 January 20121:23 pm psypherium

    Numbered series have Greek numerical prefixes, not Latin. It would be “Septilogy” if it was latin, but a series of seven works is actually called a “Heptalogy”.

  • 8 January 20121:43 pm 5000Five

    I think Friday Night Lights seasons 1-5 are streaming on that site which combines flix with the net. I am trying to find time to watch FNL and Justified.

  • 8 January 20122:28 pm xmasafumix

    @sean1256 You sir, have lost your money. They have seen The Wire.

  • 8 January 20123:27 pm bigguy1621

    @sean1256 They have talked about The Wire. It’s mentioned in shows #54 and #92. Jeff still likes The Shield better. Let him have his opinion and you can have yours.

  • 8 January 20123:36 pm xbrandon32x

    Breaking Bad is easily the best show on television. Dexter doesn’t hold a candle to it imo. Even though I’m a huge fan of Dex as well

  • 8 January 20123:55 pm sean1256

    The Shield isn’t anywhere near the “best show of all time.” I’m going to bet big money that none of these guys have ever seen The Wire. This guy just got on the Breaking Bad train.. Pitiful.

  • 8 January 20123:59 pm TheRydog100


  • 8 January 20124:49 pm HalfricanNanners

    the shield wasnt the best show… Batman: The Animated Series, get at me lol 🙂

  • 8 January 20125:22 pm cmarti

    Sons of Anarchy, WATCH IT!

  • 8 January 20126:15 pm ramenshino

    @MrOnkL haha, for me I was massively dissapointed these dudes didn’;t like ME2, It got over 30 perfect scores! Also DA:O, it’s a beautiful game……….on a PC

  • 8 January 20126:41 pm DiversePersona

    He’s wearing the shirt :X

  • 8 January 20127:06 pm MrOnkL

    Dan has bad taste in games. Conclusion made.

  • 8 January 20127:51 pm AlphVeduki

    The totally awesome show 😀

  • 8 January 20128:20 pm Bartolomeus002

    @MegaBoboBALDE Well it seems funny for me. Stop whining.

  • 8 January 20128:23 pm MegaBoboBALDE

    @Bartolomeus002 you really bothered to do that?

  • 8 January 20128:40 pm Bartolomeus002

    Jeff : -I have only one question for U Dan :Have you played 2 girls one CONTROLLER mode?
    Dan : -No because i haven’t played coop of any sort.
    Jeff : – No U play coop but with one CONTROLLER.
    Dan: – ahhh
    Alex: – This one is one and this is the other one.
    Jeff: – Yes 2 girls 1 CONTROLLER.

    Now switch CONTROLLER with CUP! LOL!

  • 8 January 20129:03 pm Bartolomeus002

    and im 2011

  • 8 January 20129:34 pm 2t2eqFilms

    47th over the hill

  • 8 January 20129:35 pm yossieven

    19th LOL

  • 8 January 20129:40 pm MoldytoasterMedia

    You guys should go back to the full show, and stop doing these daily things.

  • 8 January 201210:14 pm lukehildreth

    nice vid!!

  • 8 January 201210:46 pm lukehildreth


  • 8 January 201211:15 pm allluckyseven



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