Christopher Walken on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross BBC1 performing a special Halloween Message

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25 Comments - you say something?

  • 17 December 20113:24 am bededobedado

    I think Christopher could have lead a little credibility to that reading by wearing a torpedo bra.

  • 17 December 20114:03 am MrGrifft


    Sounds spontaneous enough.
    They don’t sit with the host because thats the way the show has always been presented, not sure else why.

  • 17 December 20114:17 am TheRain316

    oh oh oh

  • 17 December 20115:17 am bleefinson

    Christopher Walken even makes Lady Gaga’s works good. …and thats really saying somthing.

  • 17 December 20115:24 am leojciaccioii

    hey, there was that dario guy!

  • 17 December 20115:50 am Pillbuxing

    @chimaeraproductions Cued laughter and canned laughter both have the same effect of dehumanising humour. People don’t laugh for 2-3 and stop suddenly. I laugh when something is funny and that’s that, I’m not some brainless dolt that needs a cue to find something funny and I get very insulted when people to to force that on me. Go listen to the laughter and friends or two and a half men then listen to this, they’re similar enough to be comparable. And why can’t they sit with their guest?

  • 17 December 20116:29 am taterbug838

    he better have on his poker face since hes being investigated for murder!

  • 17 December 20117:14 am chimaeraproductions

    @Pillbuxing Those two “wankers”, are other guests who are in the Green Room backstage. It is common on Jonothan Ross’s show to cut between the guest and the reaction of the guests backstage, sometimes they’re shown on the big screen that, due to Walkens position, we at home can’t see. But its there just to the left. As to canned laughter, JRs shows are filmed in front of a live audience, you can even get tickets for the shows quite easily (though there is a waiting list).

  • 17 December 20118:11 am noozachem

    Far better than the original….

  • 17 December 20118:11 am RedThebigOne

    “And you’re a cantaloupe!” …

  • 17 December 20118:19 am captaindaring

    Christopher Walken is a national treasure.

  • 17 December 20118:50 am captaindaring

    Christopher Walken is national treasure.

  • 17 December 20119:09 am Pillbuxing

    I mean human beings generally don’t start laughing and stop several seconds later, 10 times in a minute. My previous comment was actually sarcasm but you didn’t seem to pick up on that :P. The fact that christopher walken is never shown in the same shot as the other two wankers seems sus too. The audience is never shown but always seems to laugh for almost the same amount of time and at the same volume. And canned laughter doesn’t sound like laughter it all, it just sounds like shit.

  • 17 December 20119:57 am TheHazBean

    @Pillbuxing You don’t come across as particularly convinced, so I will explain, this isn’t a sitcom, its a chat-show, they have no need for canned laughter as the audience is right there.
    Also, the point you wade of it SOUNDING like canned laughter, is quite funny.
    As it is human beings laughing, it will probably sound similar to, you know, humans laughing!
    (How is it ironic?)

  • 17 December 201110:36 am petefij

    @Pillbuxing it’s UK TV show in front of a live studio audience

  • 17 December 201110:46 am Pillbuxing

    @TheHazBean That just happens to be exactly what every sitcom said up until 1995. It’s ironic that it sounds exactly like canned laughter though.

  • 17 December 201111:32 am TheHazBean

    @Pillbuxing This is on ‘Friday night with Jonathan Ross’ on BBC 1, it doesn’t have canned laughter, it’s a live audience

  • 17 December 201112:28 pm doctateef

    There was no canned laughter track the show was always filmed live in front of a crowd

  • 17 December 201112:29 pm JeremyPTP

    0:26 = Now I know what Christopher Walken sounds like when he’s having sex…. I can sleep easy tonight.

  • 17 December 20111:16 pm Pillbuxing

    Would be wayyy less fucking annoying without the canned laughter. When will hollywood learn that canned laughter is just annoying?

  • 17 December 20112:08 pm tmbrman86

    so, so funny

  • 17 December 20112:35 pm captaindaring

    @mrpink12345678 It’s not broken. He never had one. He was born dull.

  • 17 December 20112:36 pm mrpink12345678

    @mikey2011au Your sense of humor is broken.

  • 17 December 20112:56 pm LordRavenwolf

    233 People Need More Cowbell!!

  • 17 December 20113:33 pm mikey2011au

    Not funny at all :l

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