Gaga Lady Poker Face

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25 Comments - you say something?

  • 25 December 201111:59 am Flashhh14

    gosh shes good

  • 25 December 201112:21 pm alpha754293

    she DEFINITELY knows music. You can tell that she has been educated/trained in it, different styles, performance, execution. Music theory is a given, though not always apparent.

    I wonder when she stood up on the piano bench, how many of the stagehands were thinking “God, I’d love to take her right now!” LOL…LMAO…

  • 25 December 20111:19 pm Kasiro

    Love her music, don’t care about the rest.

  • 25 December 20111:53 pm harisfender

    5:43 wooooooow how many people !! x)

  • 25 December 20112:31 pm zSliz1

    gaga sucks cock. satanic whore

  • 25 December 20112:48 pm habman2009

    That many stupid people in one place…SHEEP dumb cunts !

  • 25 December 20112:49 pm habman2009

    perfect….bubble headed piece of shit performs for fuckin idiot fans who have no life buty have to live it vicariously through a pigs ass like GAGA ‘S ugly, gross , penis hidden clit she has..fuckin retards like her music !

  • 25 December 20113:44 pm habman2009

    What a serious ugly, fuckin grotesque cunt she is..fuckin lethargic looking fuckin bitch ..PIG !!!
    I think she eats her own shit and worships satan !

  • 25 December 20114:11 pm strangerlover11

    Is this sick classical music or sick traditionals music or its beyong the sickness of any kind of music…hahahahahha

  • 25 December 20114:19 pm gabriil203

    @stosh2007 yes it was the whole of humanity 😀

  • 25 December 20114:27 pm andrewharacidi

    gaga seems to ba ACDC fan)) 4:39

  • 25 December 20115:03 pm andrewharacidi

    Gaga seems to be an ACDC fan))

  • 25 December 20115:44 pm psan72

    did she sheeet her pants? What’s that brown pooty stuff on her arsee?

  • 25 December 20116:31 pm stosh2007

    @PaulGrantDesigns Whats wrong with a talking vagina? I voted for many of them….

  • 25 December 20116:34 pm PaulGrantDesigns

    As much as I like her music, and think she’s very well “put together” phyisically, I could probably do without the Vagina Monologue visual presentation.

  • 25 December 20116:53 pm stosh2007

    @aseeker2010 ummm surely…. by definition…. any other music i like?

  • 25 December 20117:45 pm stosh2007

    @WolfyGanger Well yes I did, I did not want people to think I was being offensive. I cleverly (I believe) made a funny remark to your “flash their bits” bit, yet also conveyed my feelings towards your somewhat 1970’s diatribe towards women! all in 4 little letters:) your serve!

  • 25 December 20118:45 pm ChillyChipy

    I wanna be that microphone!! :O 6:26

  • 25 December 20119:30 pm WolfyGanger

    @stosh2007 Thought long and hard about that one did we? 🙂

  • 25 December 20119:37 pm TheFiliks

    Polacy przejmujemy ten film;”)????

  • 25 December 201110:05 pm lynviolet11

    @4jaxfavs you’re an idiot.

  • 25 December 201110:18 pm aseeker2010

    @stosh2007 Which definition of “eclectic” includes lady gaga?

  • 25 December 201111:00 pm stosh2007

    @bottleracket Bono my Arse!

  • 25 December 201111:39 pm stosh2007

    @lillybug73 by Penis you mean talent?

  • 26 December 201112:33 am stosh2007

    @4jaxfavs i went to school with Huge Cliterous and Huge Anus

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