This is a Music Video for Megadeth’s Song Addicted To Chaos also one of their most renowned songs. Lyrics: Only yesterday they told me you were gone All these normal people, will I find another one? Monkey on my back, Aching my bones I forgot you said “One day you’ll walk alone” I said I need you, does that make me wrong? Am I a weak man, are you feeling strong? My heart was blackened, It’s bloody red A hole in my heart, a hole in my head? Who will help me up? Where’s the helping hand? Will you turn on me? Is this my final stand? In a dream I cannot see Tangled abstract fallacy Random turmoil builds in me I’m addicted to chaos Lights shined on my path, Turn bad days into good Turn breakdowns into blocks, I smashed ’em Cause I could My brain was Labored, My head would spin Don’t let me down, don’t give up, don’t give in The rain comes down, cold wind blows The plans we made are back up on the road Turn up my collar, welcome the unknown Remember that you said “One day you’ll walk alone”

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25 Comments - you say something?

  • 10 February 20123:20 pm cromaticas

    this video sucks ass

  • 10 February 20123:56 pm GanjaPharmzor

    @TheFuckinAndrew I hope you’re talking about the rap on TV, because if you think talking is the only requirement for REAL rap, you don’t know jack shit about music..

  • 10 February 20124:15 pm ReaperRedeemer2112

    @MrAntichrist12 That’s what we in the music business call a “radio edit”.

  • 10 February 20124:39 pm slimjohnja

    puff una de mis cnaciones favoritas me refasina jaja XD! yeahh david mustains ala presidencia carajo jaja XD!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 10 February 20124:41 pm MrAntichrist12

    some parts of the song were cut off

  • 10 February 20125:05 pm boceism

    one part of the solo is missing :O

  • 10 February 20125:15 pm centraalkriplowk

    Saw Lid

  • 10 February 20125:18 pm kaizer3308

    puta q pariu megadeth mto foda essa e a melhor deles

  • 10 February 20125:27 pm lulujanina


  • 10 February 20125:59 pm enfiled1

    brodrick is awesome tho

  • 10 February 20126:16 pm JuglarEuskaldun

    Marty your solos were the jewel of Megadeth, what made you turn fucking crazy and play Naruto openings?

  • 10 February 20126:35 pm JuglarEuskaldun

    @TheFuckinAndrew Amen brother.

  • 10 February 20127:26 pm coolbanshee

    @CyberTaco98 yah sorry about that the fuckin andrew guy is a douche anyway the both take talent metal takes talent because you need to know how to play an intsriment rap takes talent because you need to know how to use computer softwear so on that note i hope u rap and metal fans can get along 

  • 10 February 20127:45 pm CyberTaco98

    @coolbanshee You’re taking my comment out of context. I never said rap takes more talent than metal (nor do I agree with that statement). Rather, I was using that one idiot’s logic and applying it to playing guitar. According to him, rapping is talking, so playing guitar is plucking strings.

    Also, I’ve tried playing guitar before. It’s not easy.

  • 10 February 20127:50 pm coolbanshee

    @CyberTaco98 metal takes more talent than rap does if u wanna listen to rap go ahead but to say plucking strings takes no talent is absolute horse shit i bet you havent evan touched a guitar have you

  • 10 February 20128:20 pm Verucarock

    @TheFuckinAndrew Agree. Hiphop sucks!

  • 10 February 20129:17 pm CyberTaco98

    @TheFuckinAndrew Concession accepted, faggot.

  • 10 February 201210:14 pm TheFuckinAndrew

    @CyberTaco98 I never said shit about “plucking strings” Playing a guitar at the level Dave Mustaine does takes way more talent than it does to fucking talk. You are a fucking moron if you’re too blind to see that. You can go ahead and make some internet troll reply again, but I’m done with this after this comment, I refuse to continue arguing with someone who thinks talking is a talent

  • 10 February 201210:37 pm CyberTaco98

    @TheFuckinAndrew Let me use your logic, then.
    ‘DERP plucking gitar stringzzz takes no talent lol if u think it does ur dumb. i give up on society’
    See how flawed it is?

  • 10 February 201210:51 pm TheFuckinAndrew

    @lstudley61 SMH. Theres parts of Sweating Bullets in it too.

  • 10 February 201211:03 pm TheFuckinAndrew

    @CyberTaco98 If talking and making a rhyme is talent, then i’ve given up on society

  • 10 February 201211:08 pm liambloemendaal

    @CyberTaco98 I’m willing to take that risk.

    what kind of talent do you need?
    knowing how computer works?
    how to speak fast and make the words rhyme?
    taking a hooker on the lap?

  • 10 February 201211:26 pm CyberTaco98

    @TheFuckinAndrew Actually no. Rap does take talent, just not as much as rock or metal.
    Saying otherwise kind of makes you look like a dumb ass.

  • 11 February 201212:00 am enigmalinsanity

    awesome music video

  • 11 February 201212:11 am LedZeppelin2055

    That was a pretty sweet video you made bro! Next time, work on the sound quality though, but pretty cool!

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