Gurpal introduces another new guest on his show named Dheeraj Gadel who is a famous poet. The interview begins on a sour note when Dheeraj passes rhetoric remarks on Gurpal Singh. Further, Gurpal attempts to get straight answers from Dheeraj but in vain. Dheeraj mocks Gurpal and criticizes his narrow mindedness. Watch this hilarious act put together on Tedhi Baat to be left doubling over in laughter. Tedhi Baat Shekhar ke Saath is India’s first seriously funny talk show with high value entertainment where there is a host and several guests played by one person. The guests being interviewed are not just imaginary, but completely crazy too! This show draws our attention to things and issues which can be connected to our daily life and sometimes even influence or affect our very survival. What’s most important is that there is just one person who plays the many avatars as a guest .. the very talented Shekhar Suman. Shekhar dons many hats for this interview session giving it a very improved and impromptu comedy edge. And all this while he is being interviewed by the poker faced Gurpal Singh. There’s loads of characters to catch up .. a fashion designer from London, cab driver from Jalandhar, a popular cricketer, a regular mythology actor, an electrician, a man with no particular talent, a beggar, a corporate bigwig .. just about anyone could be on the hot seat. Each episode is an interview in a question-answer format where the host almost never is able to extract the answers

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