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25 Comments - you say something?

  • 20 December 20112:52 am realnicke

    @WithCompany it was the biggest pot at the time the hand was played idiot

  • 20 December 20113:08 am WithCompany

    Not nearly the biggest pot in poker history. YouTube gives false advertising a bad name.

  • 20 December 20113:42 am SPERONERR

    Pretty sure I saw a bigger pot on HSP 

  • 20 December 20113:48 am kw980904

    @ismaelgibran he woulnd have just called ivey on the flop if he had pocket queen he wouldn’t re raise and call all in with queens. he would also have re raised in the pre flops

  • 20 December 20114:18 am kw980904

    @ismaelgibran he woulnd have just called ivey on the flop if he had pocket queens also he would have raised pre flop he wouldn’t re raise and call all in with queens.

  • 20 December 20114:22 am ismaelgibran

    or QQ also.

  • 20 December 20115:07 am cooods

    @iTrick5 LOL

  • 20 December 20115:50 am iTrick5

    oh.. am stupid… he had a full house.. sorry people. i am buggin out

  • 20 December 20116:40 am iTrick5

    how did he win? he had a set of jacks, and antonious had a set of aces???

  • 20 December 20117:15 am Muchas85

    too bad phil ivey is a fuckin asshole and has to go to prison

  • 20 December 20117:36 am SinusPlexus

    I’ve already seen a 5 mil. pot.. so pls calm down.

  • 20 December 20118:02 am Lennon4life1968

    Iveys all ice…not even a smile in the interview.

  • 20 December 20118:12 am no1diamondgeezer

    I used to win pots like this .Then i took an arrow to the knee.

  • 20 December 20118:36 am Sadfying

    this isn’t by close the biggest pot in poker history…just check other videos on youtube

  • 20 December 20119:29 am raffi3o3

    Ivey: we’re just having fun

  • 20 December 20119:31 am shaun82911


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  • 20 December 20119:49 am VicenzoV

    @kw980904 Some poker players are able to sense something when their opponent hits the nuts on the river.

  • 20 December 201110:26 am asianSevenx

    The river should of been the 10 😮

  • 20 December 201111:02 am Philboy50

    this isnt the biggest pot in televised poker and certainly not the biggest in all of poker as the title says…

  • 20 December 201112:00 pm negrocapo85

    @kw980904 Becvause AQ go all in on that flop and a 5 fak him

  • 20 December 201112:53 pm rango0123

    @kw980904 He would 3 bet AQ preflop

  • 20 December 20111:22 pm Shiplodicus

    @bshen88 for Antonius it would be.

  • 20 December 20111:55 pm bshen88

    would a 10 on the river be a safe card?

  • 20 December 20112:25 pm homo666

    I was ’bout to say the exact same thing, but then i saw ur reaction.. and i didn’t need to anymore

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