If you need the High roller achievement then do this: replay (or play if game not completed) the mission called “lucky in love”. When you enter the poker game part of the mission then bet 300 and raise bit after bit. Do the same in the 2nd round 🙂
4 February 2012
12:10 amgamedude4888
Nice full house there at 8:02 =)
4 February 2012
12:20 amgphjr142
Thanks for this vid I suck at poker and usually I’d just get pissed off and kill everyone in the room with the explosive rifle. You helped a lot.
4 February 2012
12:35 amPovilas45
i love you dude !! with your help i won over 2000 chips in one hand and unlocked us army uniform ! you also get an achievement for winning over 2000 chips . thnx again
4 February 2012
1:10 amKeelieeeGaga
i want the us army suit and i have to win poker at blackwater but i play on ps3 and i can’t find anything about it!
4 February 2012
1:32 amTheJohnston900
your no fucking help
4 February 2012
1:43 amdoubldog26
A guy had 3 and 6 and it said he got 2 pairs 8 and 7 and he won more than what was in the pot! Glitch?
4 February 2012
2:38 amBeTheBe5t
i practice poker on this hahah
4 February 2012
3:00 amskullzcrusher
I made $20,000 at poker 😛 High stakes in Black Water FTW!!
4 February 2012
3:22 amReeceDogg100
Hey! you nood at dueling.
I have been challenged about 20 times at dueling for cheating (yes I am that bad- sometimes) but EVERY time I have gained more honor and fame than you did from the duel at 10:20 and I did it in 1 shot. I waited for the cross to be ‘connected’ in the middle and tagged his trigger hand (his right hand) this fills your tag bar to 100% for an instant win.
1 shot.
4 February 2012
3:51 amReeceDogg100
Best place to cheat at poker for duel in Mcfarlane Ranch.
When you get caut, the $10 or $25 that you pay to play the game is LOST and you CANT reclaim it.
4 February 2012
4:05 amRunescapez0r3r
i got the high roller achievement in my first game :P
4 February 2012
4:58 amYousufOuf2000
i use elegant suit to cheat because im noob so using elegant suit to cheat is my only chance to win poker
4 February 2012
5:31 amxiScoTsMaN
nope still not a clue
4 February 2012
6:27 amsid3kick10
i still dont understand shit but thank u for trying to explain maybe one day if a real person teaches me i will understand 🙂
4 February 2012
6:38 ammrfunkeymunkey1
i seriously have no idea how to play poker and i go to high stakes poker in black water, i never check fold or call all i do is raise and win in under 20 minutes almost every time
4 February 2012
7:02 amalemmy4eva
i win $500 a match through playing dangerous so sorry but i win in 5 mins 4/5 times
4 February 2012
7:47 amAndrew1999777
What does the money do online in free rome
4 February 2012
8:39 ambshieldsbb01
“Herbert Moon hates cheaters more than Jews and the railroad!”
4 February 2012
8:40 amxXxC0PYRIGHTxXx
Thx very good tips. They are basic but they are also interesting (only real life tips)
If u have the liars and cheats expansion we could play some poker if u want my PSN id is eskorbuto316
4 February 2012
9:00 amquinatatyler
@quinatatyler I’m more of a descriptive username if you know what I’m mean
4 February 2012
9:24 amquinatatyler
@MrSdefrgh yeah i always lose at armidillo of Thieves Landing but Blackwater is a different story
4 February 2012
10:20 amMrSdefrgh
I Always lose this game.
5 days ago, i was winning, but unfortenaly he had a better hand and i lost.
4 February 2012
11:04 amSaintPhoeniix
I have no idea how to play this. I just press random buttons and hope for the best.
4 February 2012
11:15 amwwevstnavsecwvswcw
this video didnt help me alot but it actually helped a little unlike most vids on yt of poker
If you need the High roller achievement then do this: replay (or play if game not completed) the mission called “lucky in love”. When you enter the poker game part of the mission then bet 300 and raise bit after bit. Do the same in the 2nd round 🙂
Nice full house there at 8:02 =)
Thanks for this vid I suck at poker and usually I’d just get pissed off and kill everyone in the room with the explosive rifle. You helped a lot.
i love you dude !! with your help i won over 2000 chips in one hand and unlocked us army uniform ! you also get an achievement for winning over 2000 chips . thnx again
i want the us army suit and i have to win poker at blackwater but i play on ps3 and i can’t find anything about it!
your no fucking help
A guy had 3 and 6 and it said he got 2 pairs 8 and 7 and he won more than what was in the pot! Glitch?
i practice poker on this hahah
I made $20,000 at poker 😛 High stakes in Black Water FTW!!
Hey! you nood at dueling.
I have been challenged about 20 times at dueling for cheating (yes I am that bad- sometimes) but EVERY time I have gained more honor and fame than you did from the duel at 10:20 and I did it in 1 shot. I waited for the cross to be ‘connected’ in the middle and tagged his trigger hand (his right hand) this fills your tag bar to 100% for an instant win.
1 shot.
Best place to cheat at poker for duel in Mcfarlane Ranch.
When you get caut, the $10 or $25 that you pay to play the game is LOST and you CANT reclaim it.
i got the high roller achievement in my first game :P
i use elegant suit to cheat because im noob so using elegant suit to cheat is my only chance to win poker
nope still not a clue
i still dont understand shit but thank u for trying to explain maybe one day if a real person teaches me i will understand 🙂
i seriously have no idea how to play poker and i go to high stakes poker in black water, i never check fold or call all i do is raise and win in under 20 minutes almost every time
i win $500 a match through playing dangerous so sorry but i win in 5 mins 4/5 times
What does the money do online in free rome
“Herbert Moon hates cheaters more than Jews and the railroad!”
Thx very good tips. They are basic but they are also interesting (only real life tips)
If u have the liars and cheats expansion we could play some poker if u want my PSN id is eskorbuto316
@quinatatyler I’m more of a descriptive username if you know what I’m mean
@MrSdefrgh yeah i always lose at armidillo of Thieves Landing but Blackwater is a different story
I Always lose this game.
5 days ago, i was winning, but unfortenaly he had a better hand and i lost.
I have no idea how to play this. I just press random buttons and hope for the best.
this video didnt help me alot but it actually helped a little unlike most vids on yt of poker