Video Poker Secrets – Advanced Poker Strategy – Poker Strategy Tips Poker is a Game of SKILL. I am consistently beating the game, both online and in the live casinos. Poker, by it’s very nature, is a game of high variance in the short term, but poker is a game of skill in the long term. If you truly want to take your game to the next level, this requires that you be honest with yourself about your strengths AND weaknesses, and develop a solid poker foundation. Use that foundation to build a bankroll, slowly but steadily. Once you have a solid foundation in place, you’ll not only see that it is possible to become a winning player, you can finally KNOW what it feels like to be a winning player. I know that when you’re losing, poker can be pretty frustrating. I can also tell you from personal experience that once you make that jump from losing player to winning player, it’s a heck of a lot easier to brush off the bad beats and suckouts. You realize it’s just a part of the game, and believe it or not, you’re actually glad your opponents can get lucky once in a while because you know that without the bad players, none of us would be able to make any money with this game. ———————- VISIT NOW ———————- http

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